Initial Reaction to 1101- Assignment 2

For the past three weeks, I have been taking the class English 1101. Before I started the class, I had some preconceptions and thoughts about what this class would involve. Some of them were right, such as the amount of papers we would write, and others were wrong. I thought this class would be boring. I am happy to say this notion was wrong. I will share my initial reactions to this class, things I would have done differently, and advice to students taking English 1101 in the future.

My first reaction to English 1101 was good. I was excited to start working on the papers and projects. I was surprised by the assignments and how relevant they were. The papers we are writing all have a purpose for students and help them. I did not know this initally. Through reading the syllabus, I felt this class will benefit me in may ways. Initially, I did not know the many ways that it would help me. Now I know. I will gain writing skills as well as the ability to think outside of my comfort zones. Overall, my first impression was a good one.

There have been some things in this class that I would have done differently. The website was a great project. At first, I was skeptical about this project. I did not see the point and benefits from it. After about a week of working on it, I now see the benefits. It helped me learn how to make a website. I would have done some things differently with it though. I would have liked it to have been more organized and have more clearly set instructions. I, as a student, would have studied more for the tests. Also as a student, I would have started writing my papers earlier, in order to have more time to fully prepare.

I would advice students to take English 1101. It will be beneficial to anybody going to college. It allows students to experience what college will be like. Even though it will not be exactly what college is like, it is more similar to college expectations. Even though I have not completed Enlgish 1101, I already feel more prepared. I feel students need to be prepared when coming into this class. They need to understand the expectations for this class. Students will need to understand the toughness of this course.

Initially, I felt this class would be beneficial for me. I was right. Even though I have not completed the course, I already know I have benefited in many ways. I have become more aware of my gramatical errors and I have been forced to think deeply about topics. This class is run very well, with few things I would change. I advice students to take this beneficial class. English 1101 is a very important class, and I am glad I am taking it.

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