In class, we are working on a debate. Two people will be arguing against two other people. We will have to present our argument in class and debate with another group. This assignment involves finding two presentational aids, writing key points to cover, and thinking of rebuttals in advance. My partner and I are debating the issue of zoos. The opposing team feels they should be abolished; whereas, we feel they should be kept. We have done much research on the topic. We have a thesis established and are currently working on organizing our information into points and rebuttals.
Thesis: (Not available at the moment) Mr. Hensch has the original copy of it.
Presentational Aid Ideas:
1. A Powerpoint inlcuding pictures of animals from zoos
2. A Graph
3. A list of pros and cons displayed on a poster
4. Surveys displayed as pie charts or stat plots
5. Stuffed animals to use as examples
6. A map of zoos in the U.S.
Links to sites that help argument- http://www.aza.org/ -- This site, Associate of Zoos and Aquariums, will provide basic information about zoos in the U.S. http://www.sandiegozoo.org/-- The SanDiego Zoo website displays information about one of their conservation programs (C.R.E.S.) http://www.ypte.org.uk/environmental/zoos/113-- This website provides some questions asked about zoos and in depth answers to them. http://www.ncpad.org/fun/fact_sheet.php?sheet=76&view=all-- This site gives information about the educational advantages of zoos.
| Links to sites that disagree with argument- http://www.utulsa.edu/collegian/article.asp?article=223-- This author of this website speaks about the other educational aspect of zoos. The site also has a place to write back to the author with thoughts about the article. http://www.dnr.cornell.edu/courses/nr201/research/examples/great3.pdf-- This site is composed of a seven-page paper speaking about the ethics of zoos. http://www.waza.org/ethics/index.php?main=ethics-- The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums has a small, but educational page about animal welfare. http://www.waza.org/ethics/index.php?main=ethics-- This site is beneficial because of its contents, but also because it has suggested reading to learn further about the ethics of zoos. |